Friday, March 11, 2011

Wedding Gift Registry

Have you registered for your Bridal Gifts yet?
Is your household already set Up?  

 Do you already have alot of "stuff" ?   Is there empty wall space to be filled?
4x11 Tower Clutch album
Just like you register at major department stores, you can now register for your wedding photography-  Your friends and family can make a donation for a credit towards your wedding photography or purchase a specific item for you. (i.e. album, DVD, photo pillows, engagement shoot, canvas prints, wall art, metal print)  When your guests contribute they get a personalized certificate to present on your bridal shower or wedding day.  You can even put a link to your registry on wedding announcements, bridal shower invitations, etc.  Contact the Studio to Learn more.  The result is a much more personal and lasting gift of beautiful images and photographic display products from your wedding day.
Photo Pillow
Studio Portrait